Friday, January 4, 2013

Week in Review: New Year!

  It's hard to believe another year has passed us by. I hope all of you had a great year and if it wasn't the greatest I hope that 2013 is good to you!
  I am getting back into the groove after a couple weeks break and I am so excited for all the great shoots 2013 holds! I will have some new "Sneak Peek's" up shortly!
  Big Thank You to all of you who have supported me in the last year and who have been reading these every week! You are awesome!!

Stay tuned for my "Favourites of 2012" video coming soon! To see last year's "Favourites" video click here. 

Links I'm Loving
- This year I want to read more! This site is awesome for discovering new books!
- So excited to see these dvds released!
- I will definitely be trying out this recipe. 
- Need a new day planner? There are a lot of neat ones on Etsy!

Looking Forward To:
- Getting back into a routine
- Planning out my year
- Following my New Years Resolutions

Highlights From the Week: 
- Riding and working with a new horse
- Ringing in the New Year
- Warmer Days

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